The basic Barn Dances for Everyone package is a barn dance of up to three hours in length, including food break, and finishing by 10.30 pm, with all calling, PA and music provided. All that’s needed from you is an electricity supply, lights and a car parking space close to the unloading/loading point.
Barn Dances for Everyone operates across the whole of the UK. For a barn dance within approximately 40 miles of home base, the cost will be somewhere around
£450 – £500
For dances requiring longer travelling distances and/or an overnight stay, we just need to agree with you an additional amount to cover the extra fuel and/or accommodation costs.
If you’d like to turn your Barn Dance into a proper Ceilidh (“kay-lee”), with live traditional songs and music during the food break, this can be arranged at a modest extra charge.
The fee can be paid by bank transfer on the day of the barn dance or you can pay by cash if you prefer.